• 沖縄の食材 = 長寿?

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    長寿で有名な沖縄。多くの理由が挙げられているが、その一つが食生活。 自由に踊る沖縄の民族舞踊、カ...

  • 老犬に新しい芸を教えることができますか?

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  • 老犬に新しい芸を教えることができますか?

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  • Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks?

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    An amazing learning period occurs during the early lives of both humans and song birds. This period unfortunately disappears early in life and finding...

  • Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks?

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    An amazing learning period occurs during the early lives of both humans and song birds. This period unfortunately disappears early in life and finding...

  • OISTに鉄人あり

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  • 柳田充弘博士が文化勲章を受章

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  • 久保真季副学長が就任

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  • 優秀論文賞を受賞したのは ・・・

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  • And the Excellent Paper Award Goes to…

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    OIST’s Physics and Biology unit researcher Dr. Eddy Taillefer received an Excellent Paper award during the International Conference on Computer Engi...

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