• 沖縄県と連携協定を締結

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    ご挨拶をするジョナサン・ドーファン学長 (左から)尚博士、バックマン上級副学長、ドーファン学...

  • OIST研究員が生物学的分岐パターンを特定

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    Watch the video. 分岐が平面上にある(左)と、三次元に散らばる(右)よりも材料が少なくてすむことを説明...

  • Humpback Whale Comes to OIST

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    OIST has a new resident: a life-size humpback whale! Last Saturday, June 28, eighty children visited OIST to paint a mural of a humpback whale with Ok...

  • ザトウクジラがOISTにやってきた

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  • Humpback Whale Comes to OIST

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    OIST has a new resident: a life-size humpback whale! Last Saturday, June 28, eighty children visited OIST to paint a mural of a humpback whale with Ok...

  • ザトウクジラがOISTにやってきた

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  • 立柱式:第2研究棟の整備が本格化

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  • The First Column: Lab 2 Begins to Take Shape

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    By Micheal E. Cooper The construction of Lab 2 began in November 2010, and now that the ground floor slab is finished, work has begun on the steel su...

  • 立柱式:第2研究棟の整備が本格化

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  • The First Column: Lab 2 Begins to Take Shape

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    By Micheal E. Cooper The construction of Lab 2 began in November 2010, and now that the ground floor slab is finished, work has begun on the steel su...

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