• Neuronal Rhythms in Movement Unit

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    The ultimate aim of the brain is to generate behavior, virtually always enacted through body movements that are deliberate and well-timed. The Neurona...

  • Qubits and Spacetime Unit

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    How do the structure and dynamics of spacetime emerge from fundamental quantum building blocks and their quantum laws? The Qubits and Spacetime Unit s...

  • 流体力学ユニット

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  • Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Unit

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    The Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Unit uses mathematical models, like random matrix theory, to show that universal patterns can be observed in ...

  • Biological Complexity Unit

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    The Biological Complexity Unit studies how stochastic fluctuations influence the dynamics of biological systems and the strategies implemented by biol...

  • Quantum Systems Unit

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    The Quantum Systems Unit investigates theoretical concepts of the quantum world. Drawing from ultra-cold atomic gases and other natural and synthetic ...

  • Evolutionary Genomics Unit

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    The Evolutionary Genomics Unit uses next generation sequencing technologies to answer fundamental questions in ecology and evolution. The unit’s mai...

  • 身体性認知科学ユニット

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  • Cell Division Dynamics Unit

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    During development of multi-cellular organisms, a fertilized egg undergoes repeated cell division called mitosis. In mitosis, a microtubule-based mito...

  • Marine Eco-Evo-Devo Unit

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    The marine Eco-Evo-Devo unit uses the extraordinary diversity of coral reef fish to better understand the role of hormones in the evolution of life ...