• ALIFE Workshop 2022

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    Theme This two-day workshop covers a wide range of disciplines (artificial life, mathematical science, physics, informatics, philosophy, cognitive sc...

  • Visit of Dr. Miguel A.Garcia-March, Valencia Polytechnic University

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    OIST Visit: 25 October - 6 November 2022 Miguel A.Garcia-March, Distinguished Researcher,Valencia Polytechnic University Arrival in Okinawa: 24 Oc...

  • Lectures and practical training at “Ryudai Science Campus”(July 2021)

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    Section Leader Yoshimura gave a lecture at “Ryudai [University of the Ryukyus] Science Campus”, an education program for high school students in O...

  • 琉大サイエンスキャンパスで講義と実習を実施しました(2021/07)

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  • TSVP Visiting Scholars

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    OIST's Visiting Program was launched in June 2021, with the goal of bringing leading researchers to OIST for extended visits. The first part of the ...

  • クワイカの密かな産卵

    .node-type-post .field-type-image { display: none; } アオリイカの仲間である雄のクワイカが珊瑚の下のふさわしい穴を...

  • The discreet spawning of Kuwa-Ika (Sepioteuthis lessoniana)

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    .node-type-post .field-type-image { display: none; } The male squid scouts out a suitable hole under a coral, then guards his mate as she goes ...

  • Publications

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    Preprints "Towards a theory of phase transitions in quantum control landscapes" Nicolò Beato, Pranay Patil, and Marin Bukov arXiv:2408.11110 ...

  • Course Timetables

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    Upcoming Academic Year 2025/2026 to be prepared Current Academic Year 2024/2025  Academic Year 2024 Term 3  (confirmed) Academ...

  • Thematic Programs

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    We are excited to launch Thematic Activity as new part of the Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program (TSVP), with the first programs being held in 20...