• Poison Pen: Reading Snake Venom’s Stories

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    Though it’s far less dramatic than the architecture or the ocean view, one sight that often grabs the attention of visitors to OIST is a small sign ...

  • 毒気のある話:ヘビ毒の物語を解き明かす

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     OIST の建物やキャンパスからの海の眺望に比べるとはるかにインパクトは小さいものの、OISTを訪れる人の注意...

  • 海・砂・計算神経科学

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  • Sea, Sand, and Computational Neuroscience

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    In a university so new that it was only officially inaugurated last year, finding a program that’s already in its ninth year is rare. One such p...

  • 海・砂・計算神経科学

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  • Sea, Sand, and Computational Neuroscience

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    In a university so new that it was only officially inaugurated last year, finding a program that’s already in its ninth year is rare. One such progr...

  • ネイチャー誌編集者、OISTにて英知の言葉を語る

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  • ネイチャー誌編集者、OISTにて英知の言葉を語る

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  • Words of Wisdom from a Nature Editor

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    As science evolves to match its 21st century environment, with it evolves scientific publishing. “Print is dead,” said Dr. Magdalena Skipp...

  • Words of Wisdom from a Nature Editor

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    As science evolves to match its 21st century environment, with it evolves scientific publishing. “Print is dead,” said Dr. Magdalena Skipper, a Se...

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