• OIST Essay Contest 2011

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    We are no longer accepting submissions to the contest. Winners will be contacted by the end of February, 2011. Introduction In 2012, OIST plans to...

  • OIST Essay Contest 2011

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    We are no longer accepting submissions to the contest. Winners will be contacted by the end of February, 2011. Introduction In 2012, OIST plans to...

  • OIST 懸賞論文 2011

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    受付は閉め切りました。たくさんのご応募ありがとうございました。入選者には別途ご連絡いたします。 は...

  • Op-ed Introducing OIST in Physics Today

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    Op-ed by Neil Calder, OIST Senior Adviser for Communications and PR, published in Physics Today. Read the article online. ...

  • Op-ed Introducing OIST in Physics Today

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    Op-ed by Neil Calder, OIST Senior Adviser for Communications and PR, published in Physics Today. Read the article online. ...

  • OISTを紹介した寄稿が Physics Today に掲載されました

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    OISTコミュニケーション・広報担当シニア・アドバイザーのニール・コールダーの寄稿が Physics Today に掲載され...

  • Genome Jamboree: Pearl Oysters

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    Photo by MIKIMOTO By Kaoru Natori They say when you marry in June, you are a happy bride all your life. Pearls, the official birthstone of the mon...

  • Genome Jamboree: Pearl Oysters

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    Photo by MIKIMOTO By Kaoru Natori They say when you marry in June, you are a happy bride all your life. Pearls, the official birthstone of the mon...

  • ゲノムジャンボリー:アコヤガイ

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    写真提供: ミキモト  6月の花嫁は「ジューンブライド」と言われ、この月に結婚すると幸せになれるという...

  • 第28回ISTSにおけるOISTブース出展

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    ロバート・バックマン理事によるOIST概要説明。   第28回宇宙技術および科学の国際シンポジウム(ISTS...

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