• CHEP 2015国際会議をOISTにて開催

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  • DNAの電話帳を読み解く

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  • Decoding DNA’s Phonebook

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    New clues about diseases like inflammatory bowel disorder may be found thanks to a new genomic interactions catalogue by a group of researchers in Jap...

  • Decoding DNA’s Phonebook

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    New clues about diseases like inflammatory bowel disorder may be found thanks to a new genomic interactions catalogue by a group of researchers in Jap...

  • DNAの電話帳を読み解く

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  • 進化は無性生殖を監視する


  • 進化は無性生殖を監視する


  • Evolution Puts Checks on Virgin Births

    It seems unnatural that a species could survive without having sex. Yet over the ages, evolution has endowed females of certain species of amphibians,...

  • OIST Welcomes Professor Ye Zhang

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    OIST welcomes new Assistant Professor Ye Zhang, who will be directing a research unit on bioinspired soft matter. Zhang is coming to OIST from Brandei...

  • イェ・ジャン准教授がOISTに着任します

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