• Enrollment

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    Enrollment   Eligibility Infants and children from 57 days to six years old on the day of admission, who are being brought up by university em...

  • Kindergarten 5-6 Years Old

    Kindergarden 5 - 6 Years Old   Wecome to Shinka Class! Children in Shinka class are the biggest boys and girls at Tedako. ...

  • Preschool 3-4 Years Old

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    Preschool 3 - 4 Years Old   Welcome to Nujyumi, Wakatida, and Miyarabi Class! We will be learning through various themes throughout the course...

  • Toddlers 2 - 3 Years Old

    Toddlers 2 - 3 Years Old   Welcome to Kugani, Nuuji, and Kafuu Classes! Welcome! We plan to engage your child in fun learning activi...

  • Pre-Toddlers

    Pre-Toddlers 1 - 2 Years Old   Welcome to Kanasan, Churasan, and Umusan Classes! In these class, your child will make many friends. We plan to...

  • Publications

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    Preprints (available upon request) R. Fosdick, E. Fried. Addendum to: "Dynamics of incompressible fluids with incompatible distortion rates" S. Ch...

  • FY2021 Annual Report

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    Micro/Bio/Nanofluidcs Unit Professor Amy Shen Taken in May 2022, with newly arrived postdocs, Ph.D rotation students and research interns.&...

  • Infants 2-12 Months

    Infants 2 - 18 Months   Welcome to Kukuru and Akasan Class! In this class, your baby is welcomed into our warm, nurturing, and supportive...

  • 年齢別プログラム情報

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    年齢別プログラム情報  インファント 月齢 2-18ヵ月対象 プリトドラー 1-2歳児対象 ト...

  • アクセス

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    アクセス 所在地 〒904-0495 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村谷茶1919-1 学校法人沖縄科学技術大学院大学学園内 .mapouter{positi...