• Student Housing Information (For New Students)

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    1. Room Allocation ​Basic room allocation 【Allocation for Students (applicable to agreements entered into on or after April 1, 2024, or for...

  • Thesis Abstracts

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      Aditi Sunil Pophale Supervisor Name: Samuel Reiter Research Unit: Computational Neuroethology Unit Thesis: Sleepy Heads: Active and Quiet ...

  • Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit (Evan P. Economo)

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    Our lab seeks to understand how ecological and evolutionary processes interact to generate and regulate biodiversity across spatiotemporal scales an...

  • 生物多様性・複雑性研究ユニット (エヴァン・エコノモ)

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    生物多様性・複雑性研究ユニット エヴァン・エコノモ 准教授 economo at oist.jp 研究概要 生物...

  • Global Women's Breakfast 2022 - Joint Kyoto and OIST event

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    Registration form for IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast - joint Kyoto and OIST @Zoom event. https://forms.gle/x4DtwtfSxSMsS9nM9 For more information, p...

  • Publications

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    Publications 2024 Dynamics and applications of finite-size fibre-like objects in turbulent flows A. Chiarini, M. E. Rosti, A. Mazzino Eu...

  • 2022

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    Developmental and Evolutionary Genomics Khalturin, K., Shunatova, N., Shchenkov, S., Sasakura, Y., Kawamitsu, M., Satoh, N. Polyzoa is back: The ...

  • FY2024 Presentations

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    (April 1st 2024 - Present) Presentations by TQM Unit Members which took place in FY 2024 are listed below.    Details of presentations whic...

  • INO Members (Partial Listing 一部掲載)

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    #main div.row { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } #main div.row .col-sm-3 { align-self: center; } Premium Members ...

  • Renting a car in Okinawa

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    Driving is a privilege that comes with great responsibility. The same can be said about renting a car from a rental car company since you will be driv...