• Seeking the Causes of Hyperactivity

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    The 60 trillion cells that comprise our bodies communicate constantly.  Information travels when chemical compounds released by some cells are re...

  • “Why Science?” –科学への情熱を語ろう!

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       3月18日から19日の2日間にわたり、OISTキャンパスにおいて、“Why Science?” と題したビデオコンテストが開...

  • “Why Science?”

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    OIST hosted a two-day contest entitled, “Why Science?” on March 18-19. The competition brought 27 contestants from universities all over Japan, wh...

  • “Why Science?” –科学への情熱を語ろう!

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       3月18日から19日の2日間にわたり、OISTキャンパスにおいて、“Why Science?” と題したビデオコンテストが開...

  • “Why Science?”

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    OIST hosted a two-day contest entitled, “Why Science?” on March 18-19. The competition brought 27 contestants from universities all over Japan, wh...

  • Combating Obesity with New Okinawan Rice

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    In recent years, Okinawa has recorded the dubious distinction of having the highest obesity rate in Japan. Preventing obesity-related diseases is an u...

  • 沖縄産難消化米で生活習慣病予防を目指す

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  • Combating Obesity with New Okinawan Rice

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    In recent years, Okinawa has recorded the dubious distinction of having the highest obesity rate in Japan. Preventing obesity-related diseases is an u...

  • 沖縄産難消化米で生活習慣病予防を目指す

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  • OIST Open Campus 2014

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    On March 16, OIST opened its doors to more than five thousand people from Okinawa and elsewhere, for Open Campus 2014.  Visitors freely explored ...

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