• OISTオープンキャンパス2014

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  • OIST Open Campus 2014

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    On March 16, OIST opened its doors to more than five thousand people from Okinawa and elsewhere, for Open Campus 2014.  Visitors freely explored ...

  • OISTオープンキャンパス2014

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  • A Step toward Clarification of the Mechanisms of Osteoporosis

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    In the bones supporting our bodies, calcium regulation occurs by balancing the activities of osteoclasts, which are groups of cells that increase the ...

  • 骨粗しょう症メカニズム解明への一歩

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  • A Step toward Clarification of the Mechanisms of Osteoporosis

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    In the bones supporting our bodies, calcium regulation occurs by balancing the activities of osteoclasts, which are groups of cells that increase the ...

  • 研究の最前線に在り続ける

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     本年2月、OISTマリンゲノミックスユニットの佐藤矩行教授の著書「Developmental Genomics of Ascidians(ホヤの発生ゲ...

  • At the Forefront of Evolutionary and Developmental Genomics

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    In February 2014, Professor Noriyuki Satoh, of OIST’s Marine Genomics Unit, published a book entitled, “Developmental Genomics of Ascidians” ISB...

  • At the Forefront of Evolutionary and Developmental Genomics

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    In February 2014, Professor Noriyuki Satoh, of OIST’s Marine Genomics Unit, published a book entitled, “Developmental Genomics of Ascidians” ISB...

  • ニライカナイを探して

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     2013年、沖縄本島の川で、 沖縄・奄美古来の言葉「ニライカナイ」の名を冠した新種のハゼが発見されました...

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