• [Webinar] Extreme Events & Climate Change

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    In the last few years, the social and economical impact of extreme weather events on society and economy has been increasing significant...

  • Group Members

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    Principal Investigator Denis Konstantinov denis(‘at’oist.jp)   Professor [January 2020-present] Associate Profes...

  • HiSci Lab 2021

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    HiSci Lab 2021へめんそ~れ! HiSci Lab(旧Ryukyu Girls) に選考通過された皆様おめでとうございます!2020年3月は、...

  • HiSci Lab 2021

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    Welcome to HiSci Lab 2021! Congratulations to everyone who passed the selection for HiSci Lab (previously known as Ryukyu Girls)! Unfortunately, ...

  • 情報公開

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    本ページの目次 基本情報 情報公開制度のご案内(独立行政法人等の保有する情報の公開に関する法律第23...

  • Publications

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    † co-first authors. *(co-)corrisponding authors. PL and trainees from the lab are in bold.  Bevilacqua, A.; Rios Maciel, R.; Pascare...

  • HiSci Lab 2022

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    Workshop Overview The Science Project for Ryukyu Girls Science Camp, which began in 2014, was renamed as HiSci Lab in 2021. In order to support the...

  • HiSci Lab 2022

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    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-137582924-...

  • HiSci Lab 写真・ビデオギャラリー

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    以下のリンクをクリックされますとワークショップ中の写真・ビデオがご覧になれます。 HiSci Lab 2022 - Photo Hi...

  • HiSci Lab Photo and Video Gallery

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    Please click the following link to view pictures and videos from each workshop. HiSci Lab 2022 - Photo HiSci Lab 2021 - Photo   Contact ...