• OIST Hosts TEDxRyukyu

    TEDxRyukyu took place at OIST on November 9th, and 400 participants filled the OIST auditorium. TED is a non-profit organization that aims to spread t...

  • OISTでTEDxRyukyuを開催

     11月9日にTEDxRyukyuがOISTで開催され、会場となったOISTの講堂は400名の聴衆で埋め尽くされました。  TEDは世界...

  • OIST理事会、安倍総理に将来計画を説明

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     10月4日、台風23号が沖縄に接近するなか、OISTのジョナサン・ドーファン学長、ロバート・バックマン プロボ...

  • Professor George Iwama Joins OIST

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    Professor George Iwama will join the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) as Executive Vice President, starting in e...

  • "STEPS"で脳の謎に切り込む

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  • ジョージ・イワマ教授のOIST着任が決定


  • Professor George Iwama Joins OIST

    Professor George Iwama will join the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) as Executive Vice President, starting in e...

  • ジョージ・イワマ教授のOIST着任が決定


  • 津波漂流物の行く先は?

     10月24〜25日にかけて、国際連合環境計画(UNEP)が進める北西太平洋地域海行動計画(North-West Pacific Action Plan...

  • Tracking Japan’s Tsunami Debris

    On October 25, the International Workshop on Marine Debris, Environmental Monitoring, and Disaster Mitigation took place at OIST. This public event wa...

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