• OISTER 海へ発つ

     Wave Glider(ウェーブ・グライダー)は今世界中の海洋研究者が注目している次世代型の観測ロボットで、燃料...

  • OISTER 海へ発つ

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     Wave Glider(ウェーブ・グライダー)は今世界中の海洋研究者が注目している次世代型の観測ロボットで、燃料...

  • OISTER Goes Out to Sea

    The Wave Glider is a next-generation oceanographic observation robot that institutions from around the world want to employ; the Wave Glider requires ...

  • OISTER Goes Out to Sea

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    The Wave Glider is a next-generation oceanographic observation robot that institutions from around the world want to employ; the Wave Glider requires ...

  • 第3研究棟着工

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  • Groundbreaking for Lab 3

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    The expansion of OIST is happening at a remarkable rate.  This time, OIST has embarked on the construction of a new research laboratory building ...

  • Groundbreaking for Lab 3

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    The expansion of OIST is happening at a remarkable rate.  This time, OIST has embarked on the construction of a new research laboratory building ...

  • 第3研究棟着工

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  • OIST Researchers Succeed in World’s Largest Neuronal Network Modeling

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    By exploiting the full computational power of the Japanese supercomputer “K”, researchers from OIST, RIKEN and Forschungszentrum Jülich in German...

  • OIST研究者、世界最大の脳神経シミュレーションに成功

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