• 百聞は一見にしかず

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  • Behind the Scenes in Ant Research

    Several weeks ago, Prof. Economo of OIST’s Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit won an award for a research article that used ants to test a famous t...

  • Behind the Scenes in Ant Research

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    Several weeks ago, Prof. Economo of OIST’s Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit won an award for a research article that used ants to test a famous t...

  • 中国アリ収集の旅

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  • 中国アリ収集の旅


  • 大学生がOISTの研究生活を体験

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  • サンゴ共生カッチュウソウのゲノム解読


  • A coral symbiont genome decoded for first time

    The Marine Genomics Unit of OIST has decoded the genome of the algae Symbiodinium minutum. The paper was published in the online version of Current Bi...

  • A coral symbiont genome decoded for first time

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    The Marine Genomics Unit of OIST has decoded the genome of the algae Symbiodinium minutum. The paper was published in the online version of Current Bi...

  • サンゴ共生カッチュウソウのゲノム解読

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