• 菅原寛孝教授が瑞宝中綬章を受章

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  • The Innovative Academic: OIST Welcomes Hirotaka Sugawara

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    Prof. Hirotaka Sugawara OIST was conceived not as an ivory tower, but as a catalyst for economic development in Okinawa. But translating scienti...

  • イノベーションを担う科学者:OISTに菅原寛孝教授が着任

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    菅原寛孝教授  沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)は、象牙の塔になるのではなく、沖縄の地域経済の発展を...

  • OIST Looks to Future

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    The 6th meeting of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University’s (OIST) Board of Governors (BOG) took place on 9 and 10 May ...

  • OIST Looks to Future

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    The 6th meeting of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University’s (OIST) Board of Governors (BOG) took place on 9 and 10 May ...

  • OIST理事会が今後の展望を語る

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  • OIST理事会が今後の展望を語る

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  • From Azure Okinawa to Bitter Cold Boston

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    Sub-zero temperatures, deep snow and swirling winds greeted members of the OIST Graduate School and Communications and Public Relations Division at th...

  • 青い海と空の沖縄から極寒のボストンへ


  • From Azure Okinawa to Bitter Cold Boston

    Sub-zero temperatures, deep snow and swirling winds greeted members of the OIST Graduate School and Communications and Public Relations Division at th...

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