• Quantitative Approaches to Studying Naturalistic Animal Behavior

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    Naturalistic animal behavior is complex. Traditionally, there have been two general approaches to dealing with this complexity. One approach, common i...

  • Neuronal Molecular Signaling

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    During this course we will review receptor signaling and its associated transcriptional responses as well as peripheral local translation of signaling...

  • フォトアルバム

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  • Computational Mechanics

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    Students who complete this course will be able to: understand the most common techniques for the numerical solution of partial differential problem...

  • Surface Sciences

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    Surface science is a discipline devoted to elucidating fundamental properties of physics and chemistry occurring at surfaces and interfaces. Surface s...

  • Statistical Modeling

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    Modern technologies in experimental sciences and computational sciences generate a large amount of high-dimensional data. In contrast to classical hyp...

  • Statistical Tests

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    In this course, I will explain the basic methodology for hypothesis testing. Statistical analyses are required in many experimental and simulation stu...

  • Photo Album

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  • Organic Photonics and Electronics

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    This course covers the essential knowledge and technology of organic optoelectronics. Since the organic optoelectronics is an interdisciplinary resear...

  • Linear Algebra

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    We will cover the basics of linear algebra, including proofs. This will start from the perspective of vector spaces over arbitrary fields, quickly spe...