• 発火する神経細胞

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    ホン・スンホ研究員  脳神経細胞は、上流の神経細胞から下流の神経細胞へ神経インパルスを「発火...

  • 恩納村前兼久ハーリー:力を合わせて!

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  • Dragon Boat Race: Pulling Together!

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    By Neil Calder BLUE sky, turquoise sea and a strong wind to add a little chop to the waves- perfect conditions for the annual Haari boat races in Maeg...

  • Imaging the Future

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    Visualization of neuronal projections: STORM 3D super-resolution microscopy platform at OIST Two-photon microscope setup for in vitro and in ...

  • Imaging the Future

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    Visualization of neuronal projections: STORM 3D super-resolution microscopy platform at OIST Two-photon microscope setup for in vitro and in ...

  • University of the Ryukyus and OIST Sign Cooperation Agreement

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    President Dorfan and President Iwamasa after signing the Agreement of Cooperation On March 22, 2012, President Jonathan Dorfan of OIST and&...

  • Genetic Mutation Isn’t So Random After All

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    (From left) Nicholas Luscombe, Iñigo Martincorena, and Aswin S. N. Seshasayee In the bacterium E. coli, different genes mutate at different ...

  • 遺伝子変異はランダムには起こらない

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      (左より)ニコラス・ラスカム 准教授、 Inigo Martincorena博士、Aswin S. N. Seshasayee 博士   大腸...

  • Genetic Mutation Isn’t So Random After All

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    (From left) Nicholas Luscombe, Iñigo Martincorena, and Aswin S. N. Seshasayee In the bacterium E. coli, different genes mutate at different ...

  • Thousands visit OIST for Open Campus 2012

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    Watch the video Atsuko Yonaguni flew to Okinawa from Ishigaki Island to attend the OIST Open Campus. OIST held its second Open Campus even...