• Quantum Dynamics Unit (Denis Konstantinov)

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    Unit outline Quantum Dynamics Unit Professor Denis Konstantinov denis at oist.jp   In the Quantum Dynamics Unit, we ...

  • Past Members

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    April 2019 (OIST Presedent's House) From left to right: Petr Moroshkin, Yui Kubo, Shota Norimoto, Morihiro Otha, Jason Ball, Denis Konstantino...

  • Thesis Advising

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      Jui-Yin Lin PhD awarded: Sept. 2018  Thesis title: Transport properties of strongly correlated 2D electrons confined in microchann...

  • Large Memory Partitions

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    Some computations, such as many bioinformatics workflows, are limited by memory rather than processing power. We provide large memory partitions for t...

  • Teacher Appreciation Week

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    The staff and teachers of Tedako Child Development Center and School Age Program do an excellent job caring for our kids! Each year for “Teacher App...

  • People

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    Professor and Unit Head Kenji Doya Systems Neurobiology Group  Research member Katsuhiko Miyazaki, Senior Staff Scientist Kayok...

  • Members

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    Erik De Schutter, Head of Unit Weiliang Chen, Staff Scientist Gabriela Cirtala, Postdoctoral Scholar Jules Lallouette, Postdoctoral S...

  • Publications

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    Ethanol project for covid19 2023 "Effect of ethanol vapor inhalation treatment on lethal respiratory viral infection with Influenza A" Miho Tamai, ...

  • English Class Schedule

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    Fall 2024 (September 17th - December 16th, 2024) *Please note: English courses at OIST are available for OIST staff, students, and their immediate fa...

  • Workshop and Mini Simposia

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    Workshop and Mini Simposia organized and co-organized by Unit May 28-31, 2024: Quantum Technologies with Floating Charged Particles  Janua...