• Nicholas M. Luscombe

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      Professor  BA (Hons) MA (Cantab) PhD (UCL) Following a degree in Natural Sciences at Jesus College, University of Cambridge (1993-1996),...

  • Ichiro Masai

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    Professor  BSc, MSc, PhD (University of Tokyo) Nationality Japan Education 1988    BSc, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science,...

  • 発表論文

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    2021 Mondal, S.; Aher, R. D.; Bethi, V.; Lin, Y.-J.; Taniguchi, T.; Monde, K.; Tanaka, F. Control of reactions of pyruvates by catalysts: Direct enan...

  • 年次報告

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      年次報告書は英語版のみの提供となります。 FY2011年次報告 FY2012年次報告 FY2013年次報告 FY2014年次報告 ...

  • Gail Tripp

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    td:first-child { width:130px; }.detailUnit { } .detailRank { font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;padding:5px 0px 5px 0px; } .detailName { font-we...

  • Members

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      Gail Tripp, Professor, Principal Investigator   Emi Furukawa, PhD, Group Leader I've had the privilege to work with the...

  • 業績

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    2023 Bado, P., de Costa, R., Bernardes, C., Tripp G., Mattos, P., Furukawa, E. (2023). Needs assessment for behavioral parent traini...

  • Publications

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    2023 Bado, P., de Costa, R., Bernardes, C., Tripp G., Mattos, P., Furukawa, E. (2023). Needs assessment for behavioral parent training fo...

  • メンバー

    | Created on

    Gail Tripp, Professor, トリップ・ゲイル 教授   古川絵美 グループリーダー Emi Furukawa, PhD, Grou...

  • Publications

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    List of Publications Preprints Han D, Doya K, Li D, Tani J (2024). Synergizing habits and goals with variational Bayes. PsyArXiv, 10.31234/osf.io/v6...