• QG seminar: 't Hooft model as a String Theory

    QG visitor seminar. Speaker: Adi Armoni (Swansea University). Title: 't Hooft model as a String Theory. 2d QCD at large-N was solved by 't Hoo...

  • GreenTech Insights: A Founder’s Journey

      Join us for an interactive presentation with Rik van Gorp, the co-founder of Heratec, as he shares his entrepreneurial journey and insights in...

  • OIST Innovation open-hours

    OIST Innovation opens its doors to OIST community every Friday.  Come and meet us at the OIST Innovation lounge, a comfortable co-working spa...

  • TV shooting for Laudet unit

    TV filming will take place on this Wednesday, April 10th 16:00 – 17:00 at marine station, for Laudet unit research. Prof. Laudet will be with the c...

  • Graduate School Mini Course Series: Introduction to Supersymmetric QFT

    | Created on

    Supersymmetry is a remarkable invariance property of physical theories which extends the usual notion of a symmetry algebra to allow for the inclusion...

  • Maintenance for microfilter system

    Maintenance work for microfilter system in indoor tank area will be carried out. This work is for checking the mechanical move, current value of the s...

  • Visitor for Ravasi unit

    Collaborators for Ravasi unit will be visiting the station, working around the outdoor pond and Ravasi unit's tank space. ...

  • Surveillance camera maintenace

    Vendor staff will be visiting for the surveillance camera maintenance. They do not go to the tank space but need to check the cameras surveying ou...

  • Visit of the cabinet office staff

    The cabinet office staff will be visiting the station along with OIST BFM staff, total 5 -6 people.  Please see the schedule below. They do not ...

  • Positions available in the Quantum Machines Unit

    Research Posts in the Quantum Machines Unit We are seeking two researchers to join the Quantum Machines Unit. Theoretician in Quantum Sensors Qua...

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