• World's Largest Neuronal Network Modeling

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    A latest posting on Science News, a Web-based science video channel operated by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), features the world's la...

  • Tons of Coverage on Dragon Ants Story

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    The latest research by Prof. Evan Economo's Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit on the discovery of new ants species, named after dragons in the popul...

  • OIST-MISAWA-PUSE Joint Research Site for Sustainable Living

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    OIST-MISAWA-PUSE Joint Research Site for Sustainable Living story is picked up by several Japanese media. SankeiBiz iPROS 日刊工業新聞 ニ...

  • OIST Featured in Japan Times

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    Dr. Nancy Snow, the Pax Mundi professor of public diplomacy at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, visited OIST on November 6 on a media tour organiz...

  • Protein Scaffold

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    Latest research from the G0 Cell Unit, about the protein scaffold condensin has been covered by the following overseas media outlets: ...

  • Metabolites in human blood identifies age-related differences

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    OIST's story "Scientific Secrets for Successful Aging?" was picked up by the following media outlets: Science Codex Medical Xpress 日本経済...

  • Electrons and Liquid Helium Advance Understanding of Zero-Resistance

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    Our new article "Electrons and Liquid Helium Advance Understanding of Zero-Resistance" has been covered by domestic and overseas media: Science Dai...

  • Japanese ADHD Behavioral Therapy

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    Researchers in OIST's Human Development Neurobiology Unit have recently published a paper in Japanese Psychological Research about their work to devel...

  • Mathematics Supports a New Way to Classify Viruses Based on Structure

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    New research from Professor Robert Sinclair, head of OIST's Mathematical Biology Unit, and collaborators at the University of Helsinki supports a stru...

  • Balls of Steel

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    Researchers in the Mathematical Soft Matter Unit analyze the stability of chains of magnetic balls under the influence of gravity, giving insight into...

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