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サイエンスショー ~見える世界と見えない世界~ 私たちはどうやって身のまわりのものを見ているの?目に...
Science Show: The Visible and Invisible World How are we able to see the worId around us? Are there colors we can’t see with our eyes? How can we m...
Introduction to Mat Pilates I am a Pilates instructor offering both machine-based and mat-based classes. My mat Pilates class focuses on impro...
What You Will Learn: The basics of sushi making. How to prepare sushi rice (shari). How to fillet fish (salmon, mackerel, shrimp, etc.). How to ...
*This is subject to change depending on the instructor’s schedule. Class information Every Thursday (Starting on Jan 9, 2025) ◆Beginners Class ...
instructor biography 寿々-SUZU-(23), a Japanese calligrapher, born in Hokkaido, Japan. I started Japanese Calligraphy when I was 10 years old,...