• 語学サポート

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  • Language

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    At OIST, all education and research is done in English, the international language of science, so all students must be proficient in oral and written ...

  • Okinawa

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    Location Okinawa is situated east of Asia, at the southwest end of the great arc of the Japanese archipelago. Strategically located at the crossroads ...

  • 沖縄

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    Location Okinawa is situated east of Asia, at the southwest end of the great arc of the Japanese archipelago. Strategically located at the crossroads ...

  • キャンパスと共用設備

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    The Architecture Inside, everything has been calculated to maximize the efficiency of research and teaching activities with the credo that the more pe...

  • Campus and Facility

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    The OIST campus gives students an unrivalled living experience to complement the many opportunities for discovery and innovation. The Arc...

  • Professional Career Development

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    Programs Year 1 is designed to obtain an understanding of Research Ethics, to orient students to life in Okinawa and Japan, to introduce students care...

  • プロフェッショナル・キャリア・ディベロップメント

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    Programs Year 1 is designed to obtain an understanding of Research Ethics, to orient students to life in Okinawa and Japan, to introduce students care...

  • よくあるご質問

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    .oi_qa *, .oi_qa *:after, .oi_qa *:before { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } .oi_qa { border-top: 1px solid #1b2538; } .oi_qa...

  • PhD Program FAQ

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    .oi_qa *, .oi_qa *:after, .oi_qa *:before { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } .oi_qa { border-top: 1px solid #1b2538; } .oi_qa...