• Advanced Slurm

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    Were we’ll describe some advanced usage patterns for Slurm. While we call them “advanced”, they’re not very difficult to use, and they solve s...

  • 7th ABiS Microscopy Course Registration Closed

    7th ABiS Microscopy Course Registration Status: Closed   Thank you for your interest to the course. Any inquiry, please send to img-request@o...

  • JLUG 2022 References

    * HighSci - 沖縄科学技術大学院大学 HPC 環境への エンドユーザ向けグラフィカルインタフェース ...

  • Registration form for the Cryo-Electron Course 2024

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  • 7th ABiS Advanced Light Microscopy Course at OIST

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      Date and Venue Date: January 23th Monday - 24th Tuesday, 2023 Venue: OIST campus, Onna-son, Okinawa Language: English Description The ...

  • Application Form: 7th ABiS Advanced Light Microscopy Course at OIST

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    Please fill out the form and submit ...

  • Requesting Storage

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    Our main storage system is Bucket. It is the main repository for all active research data at OIST. Each unit gets an initial allocation. If the unit r...

  • Advanced Bash - More about the Command Line

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    Our introduction to the Linux command line gives you enough information to run commands interactively. But Bash can do a lot more. Some of the more ...

  • The Command Line - an Introduction to Bash

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    Most of your interaction with our HPC resources is through the terminal command line, or shell. You're likely used to applications with nice graphical...

  • ABiS Tailored Training Program

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    ABiS Tailored Training Program:個別トレーニングプログラム 何を見たいのか?なぜ見たいのか? 光学顕微鏡の基...