• Light microscope

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    Contact: Imaging Section (IMG-request*oist.jp) (replace* by @)  Leica TCS SP8 STED3X FLIM  Laser: 4...

  • Workstation

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    Contact: Imaging Section (IMG-request*oist.jp) (replace* by @) IMARIS  / NIS-Elements (B380) Imaris 10.00, Imaris Sticher...

  • Transfer Data

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    You can transfer data between your computer and our storage systems in several ways. You can mount Bucket as a shared folder; you can use ssh to copy ...

  • Sequencing Platforms

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    ・NovaSeq6000 ・Miseq ・Sequel IIe ・MinION ・PromethION NovaSeq6000 NovaSeq6000 system offers high-throughput sequencing across a broad ra...

  • Research Storage

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    Access the storage The storage systems at OIST are available for all OIST researchers. You don't need an account on the cluster, and you don't need t...

  • Connect to the Clusters

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    Here is how to get access to the Deigo and Saion clusters, how to connect to them, and how to transfer files to and from the research storage. Note t...

  • The Saion System

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    Saion is the main accelerator-based cluster at OIST. We have a number of GPU-based and high core-count partitions useful for deep learning and other s...

  • Other Analytical Instrument

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    Contact point for usage through "Jumps" program Instrumental Analysis Section (ias*oist.jp)(replace* by @) Biacore Maker:...

  • Bio Sample Preparation Tool

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    Contact point for usage through "Jumps" program Instrumental Analysis Section (ias*oist.jp)(replace* by @) Benchwork Automation ...

  • Equipment Gallery

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    Mass Spectrometry Flow Cytometry NMR Spectroscopy Other Analytical Instrument Bio Sampl...