• Use Slurm

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    You do not run programs directly on a cluster. Instead you use a scheduler to get access to a part of the cluster and run the program for you. At OIST...

  • Resource Limits

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    Here is a summary of the system limits for users of our computing resources. The memory is the maximum you can allocate per node in practice. Nodes is...

  • X-ray microCT & Atomic Force Microscope

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    Contact: Imaging Section (IMG-request*oist.jp) (replace* by @)   ...

  • Nanofabrication Equipment Gallery

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    External usage enquiries (research_equipment*oist.jp) (replace* by @) Engineering Section (nanofab*oist.jp) (replace* by @) FIB-...

  • Publications by SQC Users

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    SQC Publication Archives (last update 2024.7) SQC members in Author SQC in Acknowledgement SQC in Materials and Methods     *SQC memb...

  • Mass Spectrometry

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    Contact point for usage through "Jumps" program Instrumental Analysis Section (ias*oist.jp)(replace* by @) Mass Spectrometer ...

  • NMR Spectroscopy

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    ​ Contact point for usage through "Jumps" program Instrumental Analysis Section (ias*oist.jp)(replace* by @) ​ 400MHz NMR ...

  • Flow Cytometry

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    Contact point for usage through "Jumps" program Instrumental Analysis Section (ias*oist.jp)(replace* by @) Cell Sorter Maker:...

  • OHS Top page

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    We have a new URL, You will be redirected in 3 seconds. 沖縄科学技術大学院大学は、一連の安全一般に関する意識向上プロ...

  • OHS Top page

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    OHS Top page https://groups.oist.jp/rs We have a new URL, You will be redirected in 3 seconds. ...